Fast Food Problems

Modern society heavily relies on fast food.
Fast food is a concept that originated in 19th century, as a response to the growing food demands. The concept of fast food is well defined by the term itself. Food, that can be cooked 'fast' is fast food. Fast food cooking basically involves the usage of cooking techniques that enable the chef or cook to finish the cooking process in the shortest possible time. The advancements in food process industry, lower costs, and delicious food, makes fast food a favorite choice of a large number of people worldwide.

Fast Foods and Nutrients
The major ingredients that are used in fast food, basically have a large quantity of what is known as trans fats in them. In addition to that, all the foods have a huge proportion of meat and less fibers. For example: bread, which is made up of large amounts of pure flour. All these food items have a high concentration of fats, LDL cholesterol and unhealthy proteins. Thus, the nutrients that are derived from fast food cause health problems.

Low nutritional value is not the only cause of fast food problems. The frequency with which the food is consumed is also a prominent cause. Excessive consumption of fast food leads to health problems, as the body does not get the required nutrients. The human body, especially the digestive system and respiratory system, require carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fibers in order to keep all the bodily function running smoothly. Unfortunately, the nutrients that are derived from fast food are not balanced and have large concentration of fats and proteins.

Fast Food and Eating Habits
Human eating habits is another factor that leads to problems caused by consumption of fast food. Health problems caused by fast food include obesity, diabetes and hypertension. Many of us tend to frequently eat this kind of food that has a high fat and calorie content. As most of the food lacks a good amount of fiber, it not easy to digest fast food. The food matter that remains undigested gets deposited on the abdominal tissues. In addition to that, human beings have developed a weird style of eating. The human body needs four meals, namely breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, all at equal time intervals, so that the body is able to digest the food and assimilate its nutrients. The abnormal consumption timings and unequal intervals result into indigestion. The body is not able to digest the calorie heavy food, which results into fat deposition on the tissues.

Fast Food Reformation
As a result of the recent health revolution, fast food chains and restaurants have started the integration of all possible food nutrients in their menus. Hamburgers and French fries, which are probably the most famous fast foods, are nowadays made with the help of healthy low cholesterol fats, lesser oil, and whole wheat breads. Many burgers nowadays, have a high content of salads and vegetables in them, and are made with sauces and pickles that are rich in vitamins. The fries nowadays are not deep fried and have a low content of oil in them. Many fast food chains also resort to grilling instead of frying. Other famous fast food items such as tacos and nachos are being converted into healthy foods with the induction of more vegetables, and methods such as grilling and baking. With many people worldwide turning to vegan-ism and vegetarianism, fast food chains have started serving vegetarian products as well.

Weight Loss Herbs that Work

Weight Loss Herbs that Work
While there is no magic pill for weight loss, there are certain herbs that are believed to promote weight loss. Most herbs contained in over-the-counter weight loss products are appetite suppressants, which are basically substances that make the brain believe that the stomach is full. Some herbs work by increasing the body's metabolism and some as diuretics that cause water loss in the body. However, the usage of herbs in this capacity comes with many warnings, including that long-term use can lead to addiction and cause health problems. It is important to understand that these herbs do not present a magic solution, but will only work in conjunction with healthy diet and exercise. As the use of herbs comes with many warnings, you are advised to use them only after receiving a nod from your doctor, and doing a reasonable amount of research about them. Here is a list of natural weight loss herbs that work for some. Read more on natural weight loss.

Weight Loss Herbs

Green Tea: One of the herbs for weight loss, green tea has a coffee like effect, but is much healthier, and has the benefit of vitamin C and flavoniods. Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat. One study confirmed that the combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately obese individuals. Some researchers speculate that substances in green tea known as polyphenols, specifically the catechins, are responsible for the herb's fat-burning effect. Read about green tea fat metabolizer.

Cayenne: A popular spice, you can use cayenne for weight loss if you can tolerate a bit of pungency in your food. Cayenne pepper includes an ingredient called capsaicin which stimulates saliva and digestion, thus accelerating a person's metabolism, at a safe level.

Seaweed: The herb seaweed is a natural thyroid stimulant, and also a good source of trace minerals such as chromium and iodine. Seaweed is available in market as kelp capsules and tablets. People who are already on thyroid medication, or suspect their weight problem is due to a thyroid problem, must consult a doctor before taking this kelp or seaweed. Learn about seaweed health benefits.

Cascara: Cascara is a strong stimulant laxative and one of the few natural herbs for weight loss, approved as an over-the-counter drug by the FDA. One must be aware that the misuse of this herb can cause problems with the body's minerals, and can interact with drugs such as Lanoxin and diuretics. It should not be taken by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding.

Dandelion: Another of the natural herbs that lose weight, dandelion functions as a diuretic, which causes weight loss by decreasing the amount of water in the body. However, it is also known to cause allergic reactions and heartburn in some people.

Glucomannan: Glucomannan is made from the root of Amorphophallus Konjac, and may help weight loss by delaying the absorption of glucose from the intestines. It is also possible that weight loss is due to the "feeling of fullness" that one experiences after consuming the herb. This feeling is generated as glucomannan swells up in the gut once it has been exposed to liquids. However, one must also be aware that there have been several cases of esophageal obstruction in people who consumed glucomannan. In fact, due to this, glucomannan and glucomannan containing products have been banned in several countries. Learn more about natural herbs for weight loss.

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