Lifestyle trends

How to stop workmates stealing your sandwichesNew York - People who work in offices where the lunchroom has a shared refrigerator know the problem: Colleagues sometimes steal each other's lunch.

An inventive American, annoyed by the regular disappearance of the meals he brought from home, has come up with something to fight refrigerator theft: A see-through plastic bag with dark green spots that make it look like mould has started to grow on the contents. Now no-one steals Sherwood Forlee's lunch.

The anti-theft lunch bags are being sold at an internet website ( The price is 10 dollars for a pack of 25.

Harrods selling gold bars

London - The luxury London department store Harrods has all kinds of gold items for sale, but now, for the first time, it is offering actual gold bars.

With the price of gold currently at record levels, the store hopes the offer will appeal to super-rich private investors. It has in stock gold bars provided by the Swiss firm Produits Artistiques Metaux Precieux worth more than 370,000 dollars.

Customers of Harrods will have to dig deep into their pockets to afford a piece of gold. The price of a fine ounce (31.1 grams) of gold has climbed steadily in the last few years and now is around 1,070 dollars.

Among the gold bar sizes for sale is one weighing 12.5 kilograms.

New fashion "taste" in London

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