This question has come up because an email circulates from time to time saying that lipsticks contain lead and therefore cause cancer. This isn't true. The email appears to be one of the many hoax emails claiming that a variety of everyday products can cause cancer. We've had deodorant, shampoo, washing up liquid and now lipstick. None of these claims are true and just spread alarm unnecessarily.

The UK has strict laws about the production of cosmetic products. Manufacturers cannot sell a new product to the public before it has been safety tested. An organisation called The Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA) provides information about regulation of cosmetics in the UK. The CTPA abides by regulations set out by the European Community. These list substances that are banned from cosmetics. Lead is banned from all cosmetics, apart from hair dyes.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the lead content in food and cosmetics. They say that if there is any lead in lipstick, it is likely to be such a small amount that it will not be harmful. Another American organisation called the National Lead Information Centre provides information about lead hazards. We have searched their website and have not been able to find any references to lipstick posing a threat.

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